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On the EVA storage system leads to environmental protection and green trend
From :    AddTime :2012/5/4 16:00:43    Hits:1772

    On the EVA storage system leads to environmental protection and green trend, support costs and management of human resources cost, charge of electricity, floor space (systems and support equipment for the occupied space), cables and other facilities (such as supporting the use of arrays of backup devices) and so on, will affect the storage system of the total cost of ownership.

    The consciousness of environmental protection is also a factor that can not be ignored. Detailed data show that, at present, the data center is facing power shortage crisis. The data center server storage device and the increasing density is one of the reasons the power losing. As companies continue to add capacity density larger servers and storage systems, lead to gradual increase in power consumption and heat dissipation requirements of the equipment itself. Storage area network storage integrated into the small array, and improve the utilization of the disk through the implementation of virtualization, these are to some extent curbed consumption growth. In addition, with the data center space and power capacity reached its limit, another method is to reduce the energy consumption of the storage system itself. This requires the deployment of related technology, such as the use of low power microprocessor in a storage controller, the use of energy-saving disk (including hybrid disk new), and the implementation of the controller software algorithm, so as to improve disk utilization without forwarding data case.